Chuck Williams ~ Logger Lyrics

Things are getting exciting!

Lord willing, On April 8th I’ll be playing and singing at ” The Church of Ascension ” in Johnstown, Ohio.

Then on April 12th, I will be heading back to Georgia to record, write, and play some gigs with Curtis Jones and his wife Kim.
I will also be going to Seneca SC,to collaborate with Tyler Williams on some new songs. Then hopefully do some recording with him, and play a few gigs.

On May 24th ” The Old Horseshoe Tavern ” in Johnstown, Ohio. With Curtis Jones and his wife Kim. Then on to Erie Pennsylvania for a house concert with Curtis and Kim. Following that back down to Georgia.

On Friday, July 26th 5:30pm I will be kicking off events with a performance at ” The Stidham Old Time Music Gathering ” located at 1213 Milo Rd, Tomahawk, KY.

It is a wonderful feeling knowing the Lord has blessed me to be able to travel around this great place called ” The United States of America ” playing and singing as I go.

Without the Lord none of this would’ve been possible. Just like the Apostle Paul said, ” I can do all things, through Christ who strengthen me. ” It us nothing about my own personal abilities, it’s all about the Lord and what He can do.

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